Project Kune

A trip around the world chasing sustainable initiatives

Our Story

“ How was Project Kune born?

Rotterdam – October 2021


Pedaling on our way home from a Master’s class in Global Business and Sustainability, we were once again discussing the importance of taking a proactive role in the transition towards sustainable, coherent, and effective development. It was immediately clear that we shared a vision: to live in a world in symbiosis with our surroundings.

Long reflections followed on how such an idealistic dream could happen until we understood that an important component is the necessary mind shift to change people’s perspective on the world. 

This is how we decided to be part of the mission, to show what is already being done and what could be implemented to achieve the sustainable living we need.

Thus, the idea of combining our passion for travel and our sustainable values appeared: Project KUNE, where we will strive to demonstrate that there is a way to live without harming our planet, rather having a positive impact if we act kune.


Tommaso Farina

Since my birth I have always admired the beauty of nature, and when it was my turn to decide what to do with my life, I chose to devote my future to it. Not only, but I am also a sport fanatic and a music lover, and a believer that everything is better with good company and a nice day of sun!”

Adrian Lafuente

Enthusiast of cultural and social diversity, I am moved by the discovery of everything that takes care of nature and the preservation of our planet. But nothing would make sense without the simple pleasures of life shared with others!”

¿What does our logo mean?
Our logo represents a powerful message about sustainability and the need for positive change

The apple itself signifies the world and the overconsumption and overuse of our planet, highlighting the urgency of environmental issues. Even in the midst of waste and destruction, there is always potential for growth and renewal.

The two seeds in the logo represent the founders of the project and symbolize the potential for new beginnings and growth. Through our efforts, we hope to inspire others to take action as well and become a part of a new beginning towards sustainable living.

Finally, “Kune” signifies “together” in Esperanto (an artificial language that aimed at being universal), which reflects our vision of bringing people together across the globe towards our common mission on sustainability: promote symbiotic living with the planet  del acordeón

Help us

"Join Team Kune: Become an Active Contributor to Our Project and Help Drive Positive Change in How We Care for Our Planet."

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.